Some parts use both Chinese and English, but some parts use only one language. Feel free to share, but please contact me first and list this blog as your reference.

2014年4月28日 星期一

Welcome new visitors - Introduction to this Blog!

At first, thank you for visiting my blog! I started to write blog from 2014. : )
As a computer science student from Taiwan, the most of articles are about programs. \(ˋ︿ˊ)/
Let me briefly introduce this blog for you!

All the articles can be found from the "Article Topics" section.

 Press can unfold the detailed tags. Press can hide the tags. 
Press  can see the same types articles! 
Above picture is that all tags are hid.

Below is the normal picture you should see when you enter blog.

"ACM-ICPC" lists my solved program from 2014.
If  you don't know what I am doing.
Check Here: what's ACM-ICPC?
And Here: What's Online Judge?

In the AC record, I listed solved problem on different OJ.
At present, I have NTHU OJ - Problem RecordUVa OJ - Problem RecordPKU OJ - Problem Record.

When I have free time, I will try to translate the problem
from English to Chinese. Now, I just did a little.

"Language" has notes about foreign language.
Presently, I got only Japanese and own many articles....

"Programming Design" has some program skills.
Now, I list Python (learning). Additionally, I classified the website as child class for clear view.
"Technology" has some scientific knowledge I learned!
"1000 WHYs" is series interesting questions. (in future..)
I will find the answers and  present slides!
I also have some interests in "Business and Finance".
I am not a related major, but I will learn.
If I have any mistake, please leave your comments.

"Art and Music" is just about art and music.XD
I just move the "Fun Stuff" to my second blog
So this parts will not be updated.

You also can search the topic or tag through the upper right search box.
For example, you search the "uva":

The search result will reveal on the top like this:

Below the "Article Topics" section, there's a "ACM-ICPC problems" section.
I classified the problems into many classes (solving clues).
If you want to practice specific type problems, you can check them out!

On the lower right corner, the "Top Articles" section lists the most reviewed articles in a short  period.
Provide for your reference! See those articles other people saw.

In summary, if you like my blog, please give me a "Like" on the Facebook fan page.
You can find it on the upper right corner. Just below the search box!

Last, recommend my second blog: Hello Wing, Play Garden 歡樂天地
This blog is about music, play and entertainment.

If you want to use (copy, paste or quote) my original article, please contact me through email (autek.roy@gmail.com). If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D

如要使用(複製貼上或轉載)作者原創文章,請來信跟我聯絡 (autek.roy@gmail.com)。如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )



Please leave any thought or comment!